How Many Times Can A Towel Be Used Without Washing It Know When You Should Wash It

How Many Times Can A Towel Be Used Without Washing It Know When You Should Wash It

Towel Washing: Most of the people understood how important cleanliness is during the Corona epidemic. Whether it is bathing as a way of cleaning the body or washing hands, feet and mouth, we first use towels to dry the water from the body. Are. Some people wash their towels everyday. Whereas, some people once or twice a week. After all, what is the right way to wash towels and how many times should it be washed after use? Let’s know.

Dirty towels contain bacteria

On wiping the body with a towel, some bacteria stick to its fibers. After which, due to the moisture present in the towels, germs get a favorable environment to flourish. In such a situation, if you use towels again and again without washing and drying them, then bacteria can reach your body through your skin and nose and make you sick.

How often should towels be washed

According to some experts, you should wash and dry your towel after at least three uses. That is, if you take a bath once a day, wash your towels after using them on the third day.

Some bacteria remain even after bathing

When we go out, bacteria, fungal or virus reach different parts of the body including our hands. After this, when we come home and take a bath, some bacteria remain on our skin even after the bath. Which also come on towels. In such a situation, if dirty towels are used again, then they come back on our skin.

Dirty towel is the root of many diseases.

Repeated use of dirty towels without washing can also cause problems like skin diseases and acne. Not only this, using a dirty towel can also make you a victim of serious skin diseases like eczema, ringworm or rashes. Overall, we must wash our towels at least twice a week.

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